What is solar power?
The world of solar systems, solar PV, solar arrays – whatever you want to call them, is confusing and full of jargon. So let’s start with the basics; What is a solar power? How does it work? And is it the right answer for your energy needs?
Solar Panel Systems are most simply used to capture sunlight and convert the energy into electricity that you can use in your home or workplace. The benefit of this, is that you aren’t paying for this electricity, and in some instances you can even sell your excess power back to “the grid” or your electricity retailer.

What is a solar system?
There are 2 main parts to a solar system; the panels and the inverter.
The solar panels are installed on your roof (using rails that attach to your roof) and capture direct sunlight. It’s important to ensure that you are talking to a CEC accredited installer to make sure your system is being installed in a location that will work most efficiently. This will give you the biggest bang for your buck.
A CEC accredited installer is the only person who is allowed to design and install a solar system in Australia.

The inverter is the brains of the solar system. It takes the energy that the solar panels capture and converts it into electricity that you can use in your home or workplace. If you want to be technical, this is where it converts to AC (Alternating current) electricity into DC (direct current) electricity which is used in our homes.
You need both of these parts for a functioning solar system. We can mix and match panels and inverters to ensure you get the best system for your needs and your budget.

How do I know if solar is for me?
A solar system is a good option for people that are paying TOO much on their electricity bill each quarter.
It’s a great option for rural properties where power is unattainable or too expensive to connect to.
If either of these sound like you, we can arrange a time to meet with you and discuss what your options are.
Can I get a rebate for my solar system?
Yes! We’ll take care of the paperwork you need, so that your rebate comes directly off the price of your solar system. The Government sets how much of a rebate you get and you can read more about the STC’s here:
We’ll advise you in our first meeting, exactly how much you’ll be able to get off the price of your solar system.
What types of solar systems do you install?
We’re able to supply and install solar systems for the following uses:
Domestic situations
Commercial centres
Schools and child care centres
Rural properties
And anywhere else you can think of!
Solar Panel Supply | Solar Panel installation | Battery Storage | Switchboard upgrades | Off-grid systems | Residential solar | Commercial Solar
We can put you in touch with a completely independent financier who’ll be able to arrange finance for your system, without paying a cent upfront! If this is something that you’re interested in, let us know and we can arrange an appointment.